Make Money Taking Pictures With Your Phone (5 Ways)

hey what's up guys today you know I just got a
haircut so I'm feeling kind of fresh and
today I'm gonna show you five ways that
you can make money taking pictures with
your phone and I think you guys are
absolutely gonna love it now if you're a
professional photographer you can still
do this and make money but what if you
have no experience no creative ability
at all I'm still gonna show you how you
can make money with your phone okay now
I post videos on a daily basis about
making money online working from home
this is all for you entrepreneurs out
there and if you like what you see hit
that subscribe button give me a thumbs
up give me an awesome thumbs up smash
the thumbs up button and I would
appreciate that and that will encourage
me to make more videos and if you guys
if you watch this whole video through to
the very end I'm gonna show you my most
recommended opportunity so you guys can
start earning some passive income so you
could start working less and make you
more money alright let's go ahead and
jump in here so the first site we're
gonna look at is I boda now i boda is
very interesting this is a really kind
of cool concept it's an easy way to get
paid taking pictures with your phone but
there's no credible involved because
what you're doing is is you're taking
pictures of receipts okay so this is how
it works the next time you're headed to
the grocery store you're you're gonna
browse the app that they're going to
give you and then you're gonna see these
offers on the app and if you if you like
the items and if you buy these items
well after you check out you're gonna
have the receipt with you take a picture
with the Rhys or take a picture with
your phone of the receipt and then when
you send it they're gonna give you cash
back okay and it's really cool you can
go to the website and you can check out
click right here with those find offers
there to show you some offers here that
they currently have you can browse
through here and see if you know if any
of these items are different products
that you do buy on a regular basis and
if they are I mean look at these
cashback for
dollars cash back that's that's a lot I
mean that's I mean right here what is
this we got some grain free it looks
like some oatmeal or something like that
$5.00 cash back we've got some hair food
hair food conditioner not sure what that
is but that's a $1.50 cash back you've
got some mayonnaise there three dollars
and fifty cents cash back so if you go
through here guys you can look at the
offers but also check out the app okay
because this is totally legit
just take your phone take the app with
you look through the offers if you like
what you see take a picture of the
receipt after you purchase the item and
I boda is gonna give you cash back you
log into your account there you go it's
all right there let's go on to the next
one here you know a lot of people do not
know this but you can post pictures to
Etsy you can sell your photos on Etsy a
lot of guys don't notice they think it's
just all about you know handmade arts
and crafts stuff but you can sell your
photos and your prints right online and
you can name your price all right let's
go and check this out so go to Etsy and
then over here where it says art and
collectibles come over here to
photography now oh man
all right let's click on color and if
you go through the color the color
photos this is really gonna kind of give
you an idea on on what's selling because
you can see the feedback and that's what
I like you can look at their reviews
okay so let's come down here here's a
guy selling some landscape photography
that's pretty cool I mean and some of
these photos are very simple I mean if
you just go out in the middle of nowhere
right do some landscape stuff the cool
thing about it though it's not like
they're just downloading a photo you can
sell the prints so I don't know what it
cost you to make a print but you can
name your price so the customer would
come over here they would choose the
size that they want you mean for a 20
inch by 30 inch it's 140 bucks if I want
to purchase this particular photo at
this size and
I just checkout and although of course
all this the shopping cart and
everything and it's see it's already
created for you so I mean you don't
really have to do anything your job is
just to make sure you have the prints
available for the photos that you want
to sell and that's it guys and a little
bit more info though now it C is going
to take 20% on each sale and they also
take about three point five three point
five percent of the sale price okay
so just think about that and you can
kind of just FAC there factor that into
your you know your profit levels and
stuff like that but check out Etsy guys
because there's a lots of opportunity
out there for photographers if you do
have some experience taking photography
you might want to check that out
the other one is gig walk okay now gig
walk companies want to see how their
products look and how they're sold
inside stores okay but they don't want
they kind of want to be a little sneaky
about it they don't want you know have
the people from the corporation it's
really difficult if their products are
in like thousands of stores around the
United States they can't go to every
it's hard to go to have or outsource you
know employees are you know to go to
every single store so what they do is is
they go to websites like gig walk and
they say well I have this job I need
done I want I need we need people to go
and take pictures so what's going to
happen is you're going to download the
gig walk app you're gonna sign up and
based on your location it's going to
tell you where you can go the different
gigs that are available close to you
you're gonna hop in your car take your
phone go down to the store wherever it
is and you just follow the instructions
you're gonna go to like a display or
you're gonna find a product and just
take a picture of it maybe they want to
see how the display looks maybe they
want to see how you know the product
looks next to their competitor product
there's so there's so many things and
I'm really I'm looking at this and going
yeah I mean if I had a company I would
want to know you know how it would look
and how my products were displayed on
the shelf so because sometimes you just
don't know the products are shipped off
they're distributed to the stores and
companies just don't know what their
products look like and so it's your job
to go out there take pictures of the
product now when you submit the picture
it's gonna go through this little
approval process and if it's approved
you get paid all right so that's gig
watch check it out
the other one is smug mug all right
maybe if some of you guys have heard of
this now this is for when you have a
little bit more experience with
photography and you want to sell your
photos but you want to sell them in a
really really nice way and you don't you
don't want to have to get involved into
all the technical stuff all the
technical work about creating a domain
name registering for a web hosting
company and then you know doing all the
the the portfolio design and and the
WordPress and and then all that stuff
and even the shopping cart how are you
going to sell your photos on your site
how are people gonna check out how are
they going to select which size prints
they want and then go through and have
this checkout process our system that's
secure and everything and so how is that
all gonna work well SmugMug has covered
all of that for you for a small monthly
fee okay so here's what you're gonna do
now I'm just going to show you some of
the templates here so let's go over to
features check out the templates this
templates are actually pretty nice
create a beautiful custom home for your
photos it really is it's just a place
where you guys can just put your photos
but and if and then if somebody would
like to purchase one of your photos they
can do that they click on the photo they
like and then they can check out select
the size prints they want and then
a SmugMug will do the rest for you it's
that simple
you can check out the pricing plans
let's go ahead and well I can browse
through some more themes here but you
guys can just go to the website and go
over here to feature and click on or
click on features and then go to
templates and that will show you the
different templates but the plans start
fairly cheap like $3 or $4 a month and
if you guys want something like
watermarks you
go a little bit more advance than you're
gonna be looking you know somewhere
around $15 and up
okay 15 to 30 dollars a month okay so
check that out that SmugMug
everything's done for you guys you sign
up pay the pay the monthly fee upload
your photos and they're gonna do the
prints and handle the server charges the
you know the thing about this though
guys I don't recommend you guys do this
unless you know there's gonna be people
that are gonna buy your photos okay
because you're gonna have to send
traffic to this site
alright and so yeah you're just gonna
have to have clients and traffic and
people that you know that are gonna buy
your photos before you do this so
alright let's go on to the next one here
the next one is field agent and we
actually talked about field agent before
in one of my previous videos so now what
this is this is very similar to a gig
walk all right and this is where same
thing companies want to know how their
products look you can scroll down here
and kind of get some ideas
here's a store display alright my
products on the shelf or my products in
stock how do they look next to my
competitors products what are that what
as shoppers think about the products
maybe you can go down there and get some
comments about some of the shoppers or
people that have purchased the products
what do you think about the product I
mean people like you and me that go with
field agent we go down there and look at
it how does it look to us I mean what do
we think what you're gonna do is you're
gonna take a picture with your phone
you're gonna give a little bit of
feedback and then you're going to submit
that that gig and as soon as it's
approved field agent is going to pay you
now the gigs can pay anywhere from $1
all the way up to $12 but from what I've
been reading online a lot of people have
been getting paid more than $5 for their
gigs okay you have the phone you have
the app you look for the different gigs
in your area and you do a little GPS you
access the store or wherever the
location is for that product and then
you just you know walk in take a picture
takes five minutes upload the data and
the picture and then you're done guys
simple as that so that's
field agent hope this helps you guys out
if you guys are looking to make a little
bit more because I promised you I would
show you my most recommended opportunity
today and this is for some passive
income something a little bit more
advanced but if you guys want to step it
up a little bit and earn maybe somewhere
around you know five hundred to a
thousand dollars a day a passive income
there's no obligation here go to the
link below in the description of my
video and there's going to be you're
gonna see this little screen right here
and if you click on get access now it's
gonna go over to this video it's a
really cool video it's actually a video
of me and a little bit about my story
and then after that there's another
video so go check it out it's really
cool no obligation guys here click on
the link you're gonna go to this page
and you guys can just sit back watch the
video it's a lot of good information for
you alright about how to make some
passive income online so you guys can
work less and make more money that's it
for today hope you guys enjoy the video
again if you want to see more of my
videos about making money from home
working online and becoming an
entrepreneur so you can get out of the
nine-to-five rat race and start living
you know having some freedom hit that
subscribe button and give me a thumbs up
smash that thumbs up button would
appreciate that and that's all I have
for you guys today you guys make it an
awesome day and we'll see you on the
next blog
take care