5 Apps That Pay Money Over and Over
hey guys what's going on I'm back again with another
blog and today we're gonna talk about
five apps that pay you money over and
over again and I think you guys are
absolutely going to love it
now I post videos on a daily basis about
making money online working from home
and if you guys want my latest blogs
hit that subscribe button give me a
thumbs up and I'll be sure to send you a
notification whenever I post that new
video okay and if you guys watch this
video all the way to towards the end I'm
gonna show you my most recommended
opportunity for earning a passive income
so you guys can start working less and
making more money alright let's go ahead
and get started here so the first one is
app bounty now app bounty what you're
gonna do is you're just going to
download apps and get paid alright one
thing I do like about it is that they do
have an iOS version so if you do have an
iPhone you can also use this app and
what you're going to do is you're going
to download their app and then you're
going to download all the free apps
inside of that app and when you go to
download the app it shows you how many
points are going to earn okay and then
once you get your points up to a certain
amount you can cash out or or redeem
these points for an Xbox Live card or an
Amazon gift card or an iTunes gift card
so it's pretty cool here's a review and
also a little bit more information if
you guys might want to know that app
bounty is the fastest reward site to
earn free gift cards but it's also
compatible with over 15 countries so
anyone can use it okay so that's really
good for those of you that are in other
countries so let's check out the Google
Play site now it's got it almost said
250,000 reviews on Google Play and
there's a lot more information here you
guys can go over pretty good positive
reviews some of the view some of them
are not so good but you know some of
them are really good so just kind of go
over the reviews before before you know
just to kind of see what you guys are
getting yourself into just to kind of
get a little bit of a taste on what it's
all about you may also get tips and
tricks just by reading the reviews
you know for this app but but yeah so
you're just going to download it you're
gonna earn credits for each of the apps
that you download and then you can just
cash out or get a gift card with those
credits okay the next one is cash for
apps now what you're gonna do here is
you're going to this apps going to pay
you for installing apps as well
now now once you install these apps and
once you generate the points and the
credits you can go ahead and just delete
the app after that if you don't want it
on your phone anymore or you can just
use a secondary finder some people that
just use another phone to do this
they'll just download all the apps and
then just delete them and then
redownload apps and just keep doing that
over and over again to earn points okay
now how the point system works for 300
points that's about one dollar okay but
they do have an iPhone version when you
get the app before you download the
little apps you can see how many points
it's going to get you and then after
that you can get iTunes card you can get
a you can go to Google Play card a Xbox
gift card and also in Amazon gift card
as well let's go over to google play
check out the reviews there's 300,000
reviews for cash for apps and that's
quite a lot the surprising thing though
a lot of the reviews are really good so
just go through these and check out the
reviews to kind of get an idea and the
feel you know for everything before you
download the app 4.41 reviewed over 4.4
reviews mostly positive so that's really
seems very legit and you guys can also
read more information on Google Play I
think we've got a little bit more
information than they do they do here
than the actual website itself so let's
go over to the next one the next one is
cash karma no cash karma you're going to
get one point for each video that you
watch ok and so you can watch up to 50
videos per day and then you can redeem
those points for PayPal cash or an
Amazon gift card personally I like the
PayPal cash because I can do whatever I
want with the cash
for those of you that maybe you don't
like the paypal fees and all that then
maybe just put it on a gift card you
know buy a cup of coffee or something
like that also available for your iOS
iPhone so really cool app there lots of
good feedback I also went to net
business rating and five out of five
reviews all five stars so not bad
over on Google Play almost 26,000
reviews mostly positive reviews going
and just make sure to review that read
the reviews go over and see what other
people are saying but lots of good
information here so that's cash karma go
check that out the next one is app karma
now app Karma
this one is a little bit different so
what you're going to be doing is you're
going to get comped you're gonna earn
points by just using your smartphone
okay and there's also an iOS version
they're gonna pay out through PayPal
Starbucks Google Play and some other
gift cards but you can just go to the
website you can download the apps it's
going to tell you how many points you're
gonna get for each app and then use that
use the apps and then cash it out so
they've got referral rewards it looks
like here if you are into you know if
you've got social media accounts you can
post a link get kind of like a kickback
you can get 30% of what your referrals
earn with with app karma so that's cool
let's go over to the Google Play there's
a lot of reviews here 328 thousand
reviews a lot of people use this seems
very legit to me and so four point seven
on the reviews lots of good star reviews
here you can read more about it some
frequently asked questions and a little
bit more details about how the app works
on Google Play so cool make sure to go
check that out the last one here is cash
pirate now this one kind of looks a
little bit underground but the feedback
for cash pirate a lot of people say this
is like their favorite so even though it
looks a little like conspicuous with the
skull and everything but actually a lot
of good feedback on this very reliable
totally legit here with cash pirate what
you're going to do is you're it's is
that you're going to get paid for
downloading apps and completing offers
okay most of them free but it's a
favorite by many and the payouts are
also reliable the points and everything
you're gonna earn PayPal cash you could
or exchange it for PayPal cash bitcoins
so with unlike a lot of the other apps
this one you can cash out and redeem for
Bitcoin and then also your Amazon
vouchers okay also works for the iPhone
so that's good let's go over to the the
reviews here lots of reviews 120 or 112
thousand reviews on Google Play you can
read more about it here looks like they
have a refer
system a little bit more you download
the app register with your email address
complete the offers invite your friends
and after you make about 2500 coins you
can request a payout through PayPal okay
and also receive gift cards by mail so
that's cool
alright so 4.5 on the reviews what's a
good reviews some reviews not so good so
just go ahead and check that out
but that's cash pirate hope you guys
hope this was helpful for you guys now
if you guys want my most recommended
opportunity right now let's say you guys
are looking to do a little bit more
maybe some are somewhere around 400 to
500 dollars a day of passive income this
way you guys can work less make more
money online check out the link in the
description of my video for my most
recommended opportunity okay you guys
are gonna love it there's a video there
for you to watch and everything that's
it for today hope you enjoyed the blog
and we'll see you guys tomorrow for the
next one take care