Make Money Fast Directly in PayPal

ey guys what's going on today I'm gonna show you how
to make $50 fast and have it directly
deposited into your PayPal account all
right now this is pretty straightforward
I'm going to give you some tips and
strategies in the blog so you can
better your results with this method all
right okay so you know I post blogs on
a daily basis about making money online
everything from $10 an hour all the way
up to $500 a day do you guys want my
latest videos hit that subscribe button
give me a thumbs up if you like what you
see here and that will like you know get
me a little bit more excited about
making more videos for my channel and
you'll also get them notification when I
when I post a new video okay let's go
ahead and get started here so what
you're going to want to do is go to ebay
because we're going to do this
eBay arbitrage we are going to sell a
product at a high price on eBay and then
we're gonna go over to another site like
Walmart or Amazon and we're going to
ship the product at a lower price and
then make a profit all right so let's go
ahead and get started here the first
thing I would do is go over to a site
like Walmart so you can kind of get an
idea on some popular products so I'm
gonna go over to Walmart
search for today is going to be a
computer desk
normally anything a product in the
hundreds you know something a little bit
more higher priced is going to yield you
a higher profit when you do this okay
all right
so right here on the Walmart website you
can view the top brands and this just
makes it easier so when you choose a
product that has a good name brand you
can go onto eBay and then search for
that product
so let's go ahead and use let's try
solder right here
looks like the Internet's a little slow
but all is good alright so let's take a
look here and we want something you know
something along two hundred fifty three
hundred dollar price range okay
and if you guys notice that most of
these products have free shipping so you
guys don't have to worry about any extra
shipping charges I'm gonna let's check
this out
computer desk with hutch for 298 it's
got free shipping if it ships now
arrive on Monday April 9th
okay and what you're going to want to do
is you're going to want to select the
name of the product
I'm going to just copy that into memory
I can right-click and just choose copy
and then what I'll do is go over to ebay
and I'll come up here and let's search
okay I found one here for three 3531
let's go ahead and click on that
and what you're gonna want to look for
is how many of the items that have been
sold so there's 36 items that have been
sold so that means it's a pretty hot
item and then there's only four
available so this is uh this one's
actually not bad
it's something that people are buying
and so that's a good sign
let's go ahead and get the calculator
here little handy little calculator and
let's go ahead and calculate what our
profit would be because the guy on eBay
is also offering free shipping so we can
go ahead and offer free shipping as well
when we post this on eBay
3:35 and 31 cents - how much was it on
Walmart - 98
to 98
37 dollars and 31 cents profit so let me
go ahead and write that down
37 31
okay so that was pretty straightforward
that one just popped right up on eBay
if you guys also want to see that the
products you know you want to make sure
that they're selling so you can come
over here on eBay and scroll down and
where it says show only you can select
sold listings
and it'll show you all the listings that
have been sold here's another one right
here this guy's selling it for $400 how
much what
yeah that's so here's the same set that
was sold on eBay for $400 that's a
hundred our profit guys okay just want
to let you know that but let's uh let's
keep going here let's just choose
another one
let's go with maybe a some bedding or
something like bunk beds let's try that
the Internet's all slow today don't know
with that but now let's go over to top
and let's just go with mainstays for now
it looks like this set here is going
from 149 to 199 this is all free
shipping by the way
it's going to click
so right here
149 to 199
which one is one forty forty nine I
don't know why
my computer's so slow right now I'm
running a new webcam and stuff so maybe
that's why
okay the black version is $1.99 but the
silver version is 149 okay so let's go
ahead and take this name mainstays
premium Tower over full bunkbed let's go
ahead and take that name and then go
over to ebay and enter that in
okay here's one here that just sold its
mainstays premium Tower full metal bunk
bed twin a twin over fall and that's
what we have right twin over fall
okay this one sold at once
he's seven
so it's 100 and but basically a hundred
and seventy dollars and we're gonna sell
it or we're gonna ship it at 149 okay so
let's go ahead and do the math and I
haven't even looked at all the items yet
guys I'm just doing this really quickly
here just to show you what's possible
there could be one that's selling for
200 bucks I don't know but I'm just
doing this just to show you guys just to
kind of inspire you on what's possible
here okay so let's go 177 92 and he's
offering free shipping but that's fine
we've got we can offer the item on ebay
with free shipping because amazon will
will ship that for free and let's go
ahead and subtract 149
it's 149 even profit is $20 and 92 cents
then go ahead and write that down
28 92 okay so those are a couple items
we can do and we can make profit on
these items we can do multiple so if you
want depending on Walmart's stock
depending on Amazon's stock and if you
guys would like to see other places
where these products are selling here's
a little tip for you you can right-click
on any image at any time and choose
search Google for image
and they come over here to where it says
I'm going to zoom in here a little bit
see where says all sizes go ahead and
click on that and if you scroll down
here it'll show you if you hover your
mouse over it'll show you other places
where the product is for sell and then
that way you guys can also find the best
price okay you can also paste the name
up here in Google of the product and
then you can go ahead and search
and then click on shopping
and you could find the product here
you can click let's see if it's quenches
another one
this looks like the same product from
two stores ten stores
three stores
three stores
I don't know if that's the same product
or not mainstays metal twin / twin bunk
bed 10 stores twin overfull it's going
to click on that and then you can
compare it from top 3 stores
here's another one you can ship it for
$159 from Jett calm ok
95% positive reviews free shipping there
you go other websites that you could
ship from guys you don't necessarily if
you don't want to ship from Amazon or or
Walmart you can choose another website
if you want so there you go
let's check our total profit for today
3731 plus 28
ninety-two $66 and 21 cents we made over
$50 now the rest of that can easily go
to ebay fees and that sort of thing but
but there you go guys
that's how you can make pretty fast $50
whatever you sell on eBay you can hook
up your PayPal account and of course you
guys may have already sold stuff on eBay
you know how it works you sell stuff it
goes into your PayPal account and then
you use those funds to purchase and
dropship the item on another website
simple as that
there he goes there you guys go I hope
you enjoyed the video if you guys would
like to see more videos about making
money online I have videos everywhere
anything from $10 an hour up to $500 an
hour working from home hit that
subscribe button give me a thumbs up if
you guys enjoyed the video and the
content if you guys would like to know
my most recommended opportunity for some
passive income if you guys are looking
to do a little bit more maybe somewhere
around 400 to 500 dollars a day check
out the link in the description of my
blog for my most recommended
opportunity that's it for today you guys
make it a great day and we'll see you on
the next blog take care