Earn Hourly Income With One App (2018)

hey guys what's going on another blog
and today I'm going to show you how you
can earn up to 20 dollars per hour with
one single app okay this is actually it
could be fun and easy to do now this is
not something that's really online it's
actually offline you can drive around
and walk around and take pictures and
get paid all right I'm gonna show you
what it's all about on this video now I
post videos on a daily basis about
different ways that you guys can make
money online okay and if you want my
updated videos hit that subscribe button
give me a thumbs up that gets me more
excited about creating more videos from
my channel would appreciate that but
without further ado let's go ahead and
jump right in here and see what this is
all about so the website you're gonna
want to go to is field agent alright now
this is where you can be like like a
mystery shopper or a secret shopper or
something like that
companies pay field agent to to have
people like just regular people like you
and me go out and go to these stores
that they have and just take pictures
taking pictures of displays how how
their products look on the shelf at
these different stores such as Walmart
you know maybe Target and that type of
thing you know how does the pricing
compared to their competitors here's
some examples are my displays properly
executed in the stores how are my
products on the shelf
now you know are they in stock are they
out of stock are my products priced
correctly in the stores a little things
like this that you guys can you can take
your phone use the app take a picture of
whatever the task is assigned to you and
then just the you know the app will take
the take the shot it'll it'll put it in
the database and after the job is
complete you get paid after it's
verified and everything is approved you
get paid all right so this is a it's a
pretty interesting as a pretty creative
type website they have some videos here
of client testimonials you can watch
gives you great data on the backend we
think our technology is state-of-the-art
its best in the business and we have
great folks in the front end okay so
what you're gonna want to do is go up
here where it says for agents and then
there's going to be a little video here
that you guys can watch just to kind of
give you an idea on how the whole thing
works okay and then from there what you
can do is download the app from the
Apple or the App Store for your iPhone
or you can get it on Google Play I
believe for the Android now let's scroll
down here you can this is just a
step-by-step download the field app
complete your registration and then you
find jobs near you okay people use GPS
you can just use the app and find you
know different stores and places in
order to complete the tasks let's go
over the frequently asked questions
because you guys might be wondering
about okay well what am I gonna get paid
how long you know and that sort of thing
so how much does it pay
okay so some of the jobs the jobs can be
paid pay you between $1 and $12 each and
now to cash out your jobs what you must
do is you must complete the job first
and then field agent net will approve
the job and then you can cash it out but
it takes about I would say just by
looking and seeing the reviews it takes
about 48 hours for them to approve the
job and then you don't have to wait a
whole week like there's some platforms
where you have to wait 7 days to be able
to cash out well field agent says it
takes about 2 to 3 days for the approval
and for the money to be available inside
your account ok so and how do you cash
out you you can have it directly sent to
your bank account or you can also have
it sent to your Dualla
I think it's called Dwolla account and
so those are the ways now I went on the
internet and I looked up some reviews so
I've got kind of mixed reviews here for
field agents so just do your own
doodlee doodlee dude diligence and and
kind of research things some people have
said they had a bad experience but other
people said that they've made some
pretty good money with it this person
right here said that they made or her
sister made eighteen hundred dollars
last year using the field agent app this
person says that it's the best work from
home source that she's ever seen what
else we got here this person says
they're not impressed this person said
they've been doing it for three months
and they've only been refused one single
job which is not bad this person says
that they've done a hundred and eight
jobs which took about sixty five hours
of work and she's actually earned as
much as sixteen dollars on a job with
the average somewhere around five
dollars and seventy five cents so
alright guys so just do your research
check it out
might be something that might fit your
style of work or whatever but that's
field agent net hope this helps you out
if you guys want more videos about how
to make money online different tips and
tricks and strategies how you can
improve your income on the internet and
work from home hit that subscribe button
give me a thumbs up and I'll send you an
updated video you know whenever I post a
new one that's it for today if you and
if you guys are looking for some more
passive income if you're looking to do a
little bit more maybe somewhere around
400 to 500 dollars a day check out the
link in the description of this blog
for my most recommended opportunity
that's it for today you guys make it a
good one and we'll see you on the next