5 Ways to Make Daily Income in 2020

hey guys what's going on  I've got a new blog
for you today five websites to make $100
a day in 2020 I'm also going to give you
some different strategies and tips on
how you guys can improve your results
with these websites okay so here we go
now I post videos almost on a daily
basis if you guys would like to get all
my new blogs about how to make money
online hit that if you guys are
looking to do a little bit more of
passive income maybe somewhere around
400 to 500 dollars a day check out the
link in the description of this blog
for my most recommended opportunity
alright let's go ahead and jump in here
and get started the first one is up work
now up work is awesome okay I'm gonna
give you some tips on how you guys can
really improve your results with this
this is where you get paid for your
skills okay depending on there's so many
different jobs on up work they're being
posted on a regular basis and you can
bid on these jobs okay now if you want
to get kind of an idea about all the
different categories click on view all
categories and there's just a whole list
of different skills and jobs you can do
IT web development engineering legal
services sales and marketing writing
accounting the consulting there's a
whole list of different ones here so
here's what we're gonna do let's let's
go over to one one of the more popular
ones here let's go over to writing and
let's say you are a writer and let's
scroll down here and look what people
are charging in America look what
they're charging per hours thirty seven
dollars thirty dollars an hour
twenty-five dollars an hour I'm going to
scroll through here and I mean look at
this fifty dollars an hour for a writing
job sixty dollars an hour one hundred
thirty dollars an hour let's go over to
anywhere even in some other countries
like Canada thirty dollars an hour
South Africa twenty dollars an hour I
mean now what do all of these profiles
have in common
they have a nice approachable friendly
photograph of themselves they're smiling
okay this makes a huge difference okay
this is like one of the first things I
would do always tell people don't hide
come out and say hey I'm a real person
you don't have to use your real name and
have a nice description about your
experience and what you do now when
employers and people post jobs onto up
work you're gonna be able to go and bid
on multiple jobs but here's another tip
when you see a job posted reach out to
the employer reach out to the person
that pose to the job and send them a
direct message say hey what's happening
what's going on I saw that you posted
this I have I have plenty of experience
in this area I can do it and maybe you
know one or two or three hours I can
have it to you just like you want it let
me know I would love to work for you and
you know just be friendly be you know a
lot of people will post on several jobs
I'll just go ahead and I'm sorry they
will bid on several jobs and know that
multiple jobs and they won't really
reach out to the employer or the person
posting the job and that's going to
really help you and I know this because
I'd use up work now for for many many
years but check out up or good way for
some side income definitely getting
towards that $100 or more per day
and the next one here is Clickbank okay
now Clickbank is all about affiliate
marketing alright I'm going to show you
some tips here on how you can improve
your results and how you guys can you
know only you know really go into those
niches to those categories that are
going to pay out the most but Clickbank
if you have a website a blog an email
list you know YouTube channel or
something where you can refer people to
specific products that you think are
great products and you guys will get
commissions for these products and a lot
of them pay out pretty good so let's go
over to the affiliate marketplace just
go to clickbank com now the three
categories that I want to tell you guys
about the most profitable categories
right now in a
marketing our health and fitness weight
loss you know muscle development that
sort of thing and also make money online
business opportunities okay and then
there is man lost my mind what's the
other one dating okay
how to find love how to improve you know
your how to get how to get more dates
how to you know attract a woman how to
attract a man that sort of thing these
categories are super super pop popular
and very profitable okay now here's I'm
gonna show you guys a tip so come down
here to where it's where the categories
are and you're gonna find let's start
with health and fitness and this is
going to display all the offers for
health and fitness at the moment okay
but instead of coming right in here and
just randomly choosing one here's what
you can do is right here where it says
sort through sort results it's currently
set to popularity by default but come
down here where it says gravity okay now
gravity is going to give you some
feedback on the affiliates in the
Commission's that they're receiving and
which offers are getting the you know
paying out the most commissions and
getting the best results now I went to
Google and I typed in gravity here and
it says the higher the gravity amount
the more affiliates there are earning
commissions for that product at the
moment okay so instead of guessing you
know you can just come on here and just
sort by gravity and get a better idea
and say okay this this red tea detox is
you know is is it's got a really nice
high gravity the initial sale is twenty
four dollars and it's also got a
reoccurring option as well and the
average rebill total is fourteen
fourteen dollars almost yeah fourteen
dollars so that's really good so this
the gravity is really going to help you
guys out in determining getting
you know which offers are going to give
you the best results okay so that's
Clickbank go check it out the next one
is Fiverr alright maybe some of you guys
have heard of it but fiber has really
changed and it's gotten so much better
you know there was a point in time when
fiber just came out everything was five
dollars all the upgrades were were five
dollars and and now everything has
changed you guys could I'm sure you guys
could easily earn a hundred dollars or
more per day with this website and I'm
going to show you guys how to do that
so let's just say now just to let you
guys know fiber fiber is another job
website where you can post your skills
and your profile and people will search
and reach out to you for specific jobs
like you know designing graphic design
you know video animation marketing music
audio writing programming any of this
types of stuff you can make a profile on
Fiverr just like up work have a nice
picture of yourself smiling be very
approachable and friendly and and and
just people looking for work be and they
want to work with people like this they
they want to work with real people now
here's what we're gonna do we're gonna
go over and let's just type in logo and
you can see I've already done this but
let's go ahead and search for people
that do logo design alright and let's
pick this one right here custom logo I
will make a custom logo animation and
now look at these prices this is not
five dollars anymore guys alright if you
scroll down here the basic package this
guy's offering is $35 all right now but
look here if you want a transparent logo
or if you want custom colors that's not
included in the basic package
so most people upgrade to the standard
package and I know this because I've
purchased logos off of fiber or a fiber
fiber and I've always chosen not the
lowest package but that maybe the middle
which is which is $60 and and so that's
60 bucks you guys can do a logo within a
day if that's your sort of thing but
here is another thing you guys can do to
make more money in in fiver
now if you see right down here that's
six that $35 for the basic package the
delivery time is four days well you can
change this to three days or you can
have the the client change this to three
days and that's gonna bump it up $15
okay or you can say let's go to another
one here let's go to another one just
kind of mix it up here a little bit okay
so here's here's another logo designer
right here it looks like she's top rated
547 reviews Wow okay so her basic
package is a hundred and fifty dollars
right most people need these jobs they
need I mean something like a logo they
usually need it pretty quick not a lot
of people are willing to wait almost a
whole week to get the logo design well
check this out you can create an option
to have the logo created in two days and
now if somebody's decides that they want
this logo a lot faster fifty dollars
that bumps up the price to two hundred
dollars just for the basic package so
you guys could really see how you could
you know I mean that's 200 bucks maybe
take you about maybe a day and a half
still that's $200 so check out Fiverr
there's a lot of different skills that
you have there's you just hover over
these different categories here and it's
going to display all the different
skills that it has inside the website so
you could make a profile and start
offering your services for one of these
categories let's go over to the next one
the next one is flippa now this is when
you don't want to do any work you kind
of want to have something done for you
now for this one you are making your
money work for you you're not really
trading time from
so if you've already got some cash you
can buy websites that are already
generating monthly income and you can
just by the website plug it into your
server and boom you've got an instant
income so that's what Flippa is all
about now let me show you let's go over
to browse assets and go to websites okay
so we've got editor's choice here I'm
going to just kind of browse around here
this one's five thousand dollars let's
check this out right here when you click
on one of the websites that's being sold
on Flippa scroll down and if you look
right here it'll tell you the the
monthly profit and you can actually see
the traffic you can see the progression
sometimes there's a downtrend okay and
other times there's an uptrend so just
watch that you don't want to get into
something and you know you buy a website
and then all of a sudden it starts going
downhill you want something that's got
some better traction and let's go ahead
and find another website like that
something that is let's go ahead and go
through here real quick okay the z9 com
this is Amazon affiliate marketing here
okay it looks like he's making some
pretty good profit per month at the
moment it's at $1,900 that's the current
price and there's seven days left
okay Wow so this is almost $5,000 per
month that this website is generating
with just Amazon items now look right
here look at the traffic do you see how
the traffic is going up and then if you
look down at the financials the gross
revenue is increasing steadily that's
what you want to see and so so check
that out and it shows a lot of data on
this website which is really good you
guys can see the progression
okay well February it's $12,000 they
made in February $11,000 in January okay
so that's flip up this is where you can
just make your money work for you
purchase something that's already
working plug it into your server your
own server and start making money that's
simple guys okay let's go on to the last
one here this is text broker okay this
one's pretty cool because you can get
paid for the different writings and
articles that you do it's a really nice
website it's a great platform and so I'm
going to show you some different tips on
how you guys can easily write articles
all right
now let's come up here we are
we don't need content we are actually
going to write content so I'm going to
click on write content and what we're
going to do here I'm going to come up to
write content if you come over here to
payment and then you scroll down it's
gonna tell you your earnings what you
can earn based off of your quality
rating and I'm sure the more you do this
the better and the higher your quality
rating is going to get or maybe you have
experience if you really good at grammar
and spelling and just writing in general
you could probably get up there to
around four or five stars and it's
telling you what you're going to be paid
sense wise per word now but if you come
down a little bit further it's gonna
there's a little section here to
calculate your open order earnings okay
so let's put this up to five stars so we
can really see the potential here the
word counter you this little slider here
that you can move around let's say that
you wrote let's say 2,000 words and in
just just a moment I'm gonna show you
how an easy way to actually have an
article written for you just by using
your voice okay but let's just say for
2,000 words that
a hundred bucks all right and but let's
say maybe you were a four-star person
okay so 2,000 words would be $28 so if
you got four articles for 2,000 words
that would be over $100 and so use this
little slider here maybe you only wanted
to do an art a couple articles a day
with a thousand words that's $50 so that
would be the two articles you've got
your hundred dollars right there now I'm
going to show you guys a little tip if
you have Google Docs you can talk in a
microphone and Google Docs will print
the article for you using voice to text
all right and the way you do this is you
come over to come over to the Tools menu
here and select voice typing and it's
actually pretty accurate I haven't seen
a typo yet so let me go ahead and select
voice typing and then so it's going to
ask you to to to get permission to use
your microphone and just click on allow
and then after you do that you're gonna
have this little microphone button here
so what I'm going to do is I'm going to
click on this button and I'm gonna start
speaking and then you're gonna start to
see the text written out here so let's
go ahead and do that so here we go there
has never been a better time to make
money online period there are many
opportunities out there for making $100
per day period subscribe to my youtube
channel and receive a new video every
day about how to make money online
period okay after you're done just go
ahead and reek lick the microphone now
let's check this out there has never
been a better time to make money online
there are many opportunities out there
for making
one hundred dollars per day subscribe to
my YouTube channel and receive a new
video every day about how to make money
online Wow
so not even a single err I mean I see it
subscribe here probably could have been
capitalised but that's pretty good and
then if you guys want to count the words
just come over here to tools and select
word count and then it's gonna tell you
okay that's 40 words right there I mean
only took me I mean not even a minute
like seconds to speak this out okay so
there are those are some ways you guys
can earn up to $100 or more per day on
the internet hope this hope this helps
you out and if you guys would like to
see more videos hit that subscribe
button I'll give you a notification
whenever I post a new video about making
money online and if you would like to
know my most recommended opportunity
right now about making passive income
check out the link in the description of
this blog thanks a lot guys have a
great day and we'll see you on the next