5 Sites That Pay Per Hour To Stay At Home

we're gonna talk about making $20 per
hour working at home I'm gonna give you
all the details right on this video
let's go what's up guys
thank you so much for coming back to my
blog it's great to see you here today
it's a beautiful gorgeous day I'm
feeling amazing and I'm so glad you're
here because on this video I'm gonna
show you five websites that will pay you
$20 an hour or more just to stay at home
alright so let's go ahead and dive into
the video now before that remember to
subscribe to my channel right now
because I come out with videos every
single day that will show you how you
can make money online how to work from
home and how you guys can become an
entrepreneur and if you would like to
learn how to make a full time passive
income right online okay this is what
I'm doing if you want to make money
while you sleep and while you're out on
vacation and traveling well check out
the link below in the description of
this video right now and I will share
with you some more information on how
you can do that alright okay so let's go
ahead and jump in to the video so the
first website we're gonna check out is a
VIP kid and so if you're the teacher
type well VIP kid is a website that will
pay you to teach English to kids in
China right from home so you can earn
anywhere from 14 all the way up to 22
dollars an hour to teach and you can
work from anywhere so anywhere that you
wish you can be at the coffee shop you
can be at home do whatever you want and
you guys can make your own hours okay so
as a teacher you'll be teaching kids one
on one and each lesson lasts around
about a half an hour to 25 minutes and
then five minutes for a short Q&A
session okay so the kids you will be
teaching range in age anywhere from four
all the way up to twelve years old some
basic requirements that you guys are
gonna need you must have a bachelor's
degree for this you need some experience
teaching kids in the United States and
Canada you're gonna need a desktop or a
laptop or you know a Mac or Windows
machine will work just fine
you need to have a way
Kim and a good headset with a microphone
okay you guys can read all about it over
at VIP kid teachers dot-com I will leave
links below to all of the websites that
we're going to be talking about right on
this video the next website is buffer so
buffer offers social media management
solutions I've used their service before
it's really great service they allow all
their workers to work at home remotely
so they hire for many different
positions from tech developer
engineering jobs and customer support
jobs which you guys can do and it's pain
over $20 an hour so if you're curious
about how much each position pays well
they actually post all their salaries
right on the website so you guys are
gonna have you can go through these but
you're gonna have like team calls you
can also travel around the world
together multiple times of year so it's
a pretty cool and pretty cool pretty fun
job to say the least so go check it out
guys that's over at Journey buffer com
I'll leave the link below the other
website is testing time now this website
pays you to give your feedback on
different websites okay so the whole
signup process only takes about five
minutes to complete once you sign up
testing time will send you you study
notifications via email when they're
available okay so if you live outside of
the USA then you might want to check
this out
because the company is located in
Switzerland and they are looking for
international testers so the platform
has longer tests around 30 to 50 minutes
long they also pay out more per test
than other testing websites on average
it's about like 50 euros per test so you
guys might want to check this out now
once you complete the test you're gonna
get paid within 7 to 10 business days
testers are required to have a
microphone a webcam you gotta have a
Skype account anyway but you guys can go
ahead and check it out that's over a
testing time dot-com I will leave a link
below let's go ahead and check out the
next one so the other one here is 3-play
media so now this is a company based out
of Massachusetts that provides
captioning and
transcription services to their clients
okay now this company does require you
to be a u.s. resident and have a college
degree before they will consider you as
a transcript editor okay so now what
you're gonna be doing is is you're going
to be listening to audio and then you
will transcribe what you hear the pay is
between ten all the way up to twenty
dollars an hour the company does prefer
that you commit to at least fifteen
hours per week note that you know every
job you accept also has a deadline as
well all the payments are made monthly
via direct deposit you can also request
a check if you want to some of the
qualifications you guys must have some
decent communication skills you must
have a computer of course and the typing
ability up to seventy five words per
minute Wow
that's pretty fast I don't even know if
I can type that fast so the next website
is play oh good start now this company
hires call agents to remind patients to
take their medications now you'll need
to have a good attention to detail in a
desire to help people so work requires
internet access of course a phone line
and computer you can expect to earn
anywhere from ten to twenty dollars an
hour just reminding people to take their
pills I mean it seems pretty
straightforward they're only hiring
people right now that live inside of the
United States you must be 18 years or
older but you do not have to have like a
special license or anything like that to
apply or to do the job okay so go ahead
and check it out guys that's that's a
play oh good start it's over at play Oh
calm I will leave the link below
so there's five websites for you guys
that I'll pay you up to twenty dollars
an hour now I mean at the end of the day
you guys are still trading time for
money here so if you would like to learn
how to make a full time passive income
right on the internet this is what I'm
doing you know if you want to make a
little bit more maybe you don't have a
bachelor's degree or you don't have a
lot of experience teaching children or
something like that and you want to get
involved in something that doesn't
require any experience where you can
learn and earn
what you learn well check out the link
below in the description of this video
right now and I'm gonna share with you
some more information on how you guys
can create a full time passive income
right online okay
so there you go I hope you guys enjoy
this video hey give me a thumbs up if
you liked the video today and if you
guys want more videos about making money
online working from home and becoming an
entrepreneur well subscribe now because
I create blogs every single day and
whenever I come out with a
new video so you guys don't miss
anything alright so there you go you
guys make it an awesome day and I will
see you on the next one
peace out