Watch TV and Make Money Online IN YOUR SPARE TIME
hey guys what is up today I'm going to show you
how you can make money online watching
TV so that's what this video is gonna be
all about and if this is your first time
here if you're looking to make more
money online if you want to break free
from the nine-to-five
get out of traffic and just have more
freedom you know become an entrepreneur
start right now by subscribing to my
channel because I make blogs just like
this every single day and that way you
guys are not gonna miss a thing okay so
let's go ahead and jump in here and get
started now the first site we're gonna
look at is grab points now this is where
you can watch TV you can answer surveys
complete offers and download apps and
earn points and with these points you
can turn those into cash you can cash
out through a whole bunch of different
means like PayPal and different gift
cards and stuff like that so now to sign
up it's it's really straightforward it
only takes a few seconds you guys just
need to sign in with Facebook and then
it'll grant you access and so once you
sign in you're gonna see this this is
your back-office
the first page you're going to see are
all the trending offers and surveys that
you guys can do but if you want to jump
right to the videos just come over here
click on watch videos and you guys could
watch some TV and just scroll down here
and it's going to give you a list of
videos and movies to watch that are in
different categories so you guys can you
know just kind of pick out what you want
you want there's one here about food
lifestyle celebrities music news nature
and then it's going to list the points
of what you're going to receive so let's
go ahead and just pick one out here
let's go over here to nature and see
what this is all about
this torque wrench is on a mission okay
so what happens here is that there's
gonna be an advertisement that's going
to play you guys must wait until the
whole advertisement is completed for you
guys to earn your points and then
there's going to be another video after
that so so there you go
I just watched that advertisement and
now I have one point sixty seven points
so was that easy guys let me go ahead
and just I'll go ahead and close that
out and so the way the point system
works for like every 1000 points that's
going to be a dollar and I think to cash
out to Pay Pal you're going to need
about 5,000 points which will be about
five bucks all right you guys can do
gift cards you know you've got Amazon
gift cards Walmart and all those places
if you don't want or if you don't have a
PayPal account you can just cash it out
for a gift card and then go spend the
money or maybe a Starbucks card get some
coffee but there's a whole bunch of
different offers now I'll be honest with
you guys to really kick this up a notch
you're gonna need like or you're gonna
need to do like the surveys because
those are going to really pay you a lot
more now look at see now we're talking
nine hundred seven hundred fifty points
five hundred points so to really
leverage things other surveys are going
to pay you a lot more however if you
just want to let the let the videos and
movies run in the background you guys
can do that as well you can complete
offers you can do free offers and also
paid offers a lot of paid offers are
going to pay you a lot like right up
front okay like for example this FTD
flowers if you make a purchase there and
you get a same-day delivery available
they're gonna pay you five thousand
points so that's an instant $5 cashback
mobile ex expressions iPhone apps or
iPhone compatibility if you keep it
installed for 30 days you can credited
just have to download and register
they're gonna give you three thousand
three hundred points okay so these can
build up over time okay so five bucks at
a time you can easily turn that into ten
thousand points maybe you know ten bucks
you can download apps you can play games
and earn points
so there's a whole bunch of stuff swag
IQ for the iPhone a lot of times what
you'll need to do is you'll need to
download the app and then register it
and then verify your email and then
they're going to reward you for the
points okay a whole bunch of good stuff
here there's some articles over here as
well grab point games and the offer wall
so go check that out guys
that is grab points calm let's go over
to another one here here's one that's
called perk now perk you guys can you
can watch TV and get paid watch videos
watch movies and get paid and you can
also do different offers and things like
that it's really easy to start earning
all you have to do is just sign up with
Facebook and it only takes a few seconds
to do that so once you sign up you're
gonna go over and here's the dashboard
really easy to use interface and the
websites just very user friendly so up
here on perk points you guys can click
on watch & Earn and as soon as you click
there the video is gonna start right
away so I'll let this run here for a
second might be a longer commercial
another good thing about perk is that
soon as you sign up you get like a
hundred points just like right away so
that was cool like I'll come up here and
check this out you have a hundred points
and I just you know I just signed up so
I didn't really do anything so that was
cool I can get gift cards click here to
earn more
I can change my profile if I want to I
have some alerts up here so it's pretty
long commercial here guys
one last ride I don't know how long this
is gonna go but I might just go ahead
and end it if it keeps going you can
complete offers as well and do
sweepstakes I'm gonna show you the home
I'm gonna show you all the things that
you can do here give this just a few
more seconds okay so that's the
commercial the commercial is over and
then you've earned some points for
completing a video right here down at
the bottom right it's just letting me
know and now I have nine extra points
for just watching that video and then
here's some other questions that's
answering me but I'm asking me but I'm
not gonna do that right now let's go
back to the home page here and then if
you scroll down here you're gonna see
all the featured offers and different
things that you guys can do you can
there's offer walls there's games and
quizzes you guys can do in the surveys
and just like on just like on grab
points calm you guys are gonna earn a
lot more with the surveys okay quick
points watch videos of course popular
awards and different special offers and
so check out perk guys might be might be
really good to get a little extra income
now and that's just what it is guys this
is just extra just extra income this is
really I mean it's just it's really not
a whole lot I mean it may not you know
pay all the bills but if you guys are
looking to to make a larger income
something like more passive then check
out the link in the description of my
video because I have something for you
guys it is my most recommended
opportunity this is what I'm doing but
if you guys want to start earning 500 to
1,000 dollars per day starting today
with no previous experience I check out
the link below in the description and
all you have to do is just click on get
access now there's gonna be a little
story about me and then also a video now
I'm gonna be upfront with you guys this
right here is for when you really want
to take things to the next level okay if
you really seriously really want to get
out of you know the rat race come online
learn about marketing and I'm gonna be
upfront with you guys this cost like 30
okay just being honest here because this
is really really good information
information that could change your life
about how you can go from you know
working a job or maybe making just very
little online to really just taking
things like over the top okay and so
check out the link there you go hope
this video was helpful for you guys and
hey give me a thumbs up if you like the
video we appreciate that and if you like
what you see please share to all that way
you guys will be able you'll get a
notification whenever I post a new blog
but that's it for today you guys make it
an awesome day and we'll see you on the
next one
take care
Make Money Online