How to Make Money Online in 5 Minutes [EASY]
hey guys what's going on
today I'm gonna show
you how you can make money online just
by clicking your mouse and it only takes
about five minutes to get set up and
running so this is pretty cool
now I post I plan on posting videos
almost on a daily basis so if you guys
want to get the latest ways on earning
an income online be sure to hit that
subscribe button give me a thumbs up and
that way it'll notify you whenever I
post a new video and if you guys are
looking to do a little bit more maybe
somewhere around 400 to 500 dollars a
day check out the link in the
description of this video and so let's
go ahead and get started here now what
you want to do is go over to micro
workers and this is a website where
businesses crowdsource these little
micro jobs and you can do these micro
jobs and earn money every single day
so the jobs vary from all sorts of
things like clicking on buttons
verifying different things installing
apps even just as simple as signing up
for a free account and then they then
they will pay you money for that and so
the first thing you'll want to do is
make a new account so you'll just want
to register and for registering is
pretty straightforward you just provide
your first name and you don't have to
put your whole last name if you don't
want to but just your email here your
birth date that way they know you're
legit your real person and then what's
going to happen is is they're going to
send you a verification email after you
verify that email you'll be able to log
in so let's go ahead and login here
okay so after you login you'll want to
click on the jobs tab of the jobs button
up here and that's going to list all the
little micro jobs that are available
right now so now you might look at it
and go well it's not paying out that
much but you can do multiples of these
jobs throughout the day and it's always
being updated all the time
so let's come through here and pick one
sign up plus screenshot alright let's
check this out and to get the
instructions for each of the jobs each
of these micro jobs what you'll want to
do is make sure to verify your phone
number so they want to make sure you
know people aren't creating multiple
accounts and that sort of things so
after you've verified you've entered
your phone number and have verified that
then you're gonna be able to see the
instructions here on what to do so in
for this one for an example it says go
to this URL sign up to the website
confirm the email login and that's it
you're done and they're gonna send you
41 cents for doing that all you have to
do is just provide proof that you've
done that and so let's go ahead and
check out another one
okay so here's a just create a gmail
account which looks like 40 cents for
creating a gmail account go to Gmail or
go to the yeah go to Gmail go to the
Gmail website and then create an account
with a username and password verify that
the count is active and that's it and
they're gonna send you 40 cents for
doing that so I mean it's pretty
straightforward you guys can just do
these all day now your trading time for
money here but you know it's still yes a
site income that you can do let's look
at something that's gonna pay out a
little bit more so here's one right here
$15 and all you have to do is record a
35 minute conversation with a friend
that's it and they'll pay you 15 bucks
for doing that so there's a bunch of
little micro jobs you can come through
here and just you know check out which
one's gonna fit you the best so hope
that helps you guys out and again if you
guys want the latest ways on making an
income online right now just hit that
subscribe button give me a thumbs up if
you enjoy the content here and if you
guys would like to know my most
recommended opportunity right now check
out the link in the description of this
video that's it for today you guys make
it a good one and we'll see you on the
next blog
Make Money Online