How To Earn Money Every Hour Paid To Your PayPal Account
all right hey guys what's up I am back and on
this blog I'm gonna show you how to
make up to nine dollars every hour paid
directly to your PayPal account I'm
gonna give you all the details right on
this video and you know I post videos
every single day showing people how to
make money online and how to become an
entrepreneur if you subscribe to my
channel right now what I'll do is I'll
send you a notification whenever I come
whenever I come out with a new video
that way you guys do not miss a thing
and if you would like to learn how to
create a full time passive income right
online check out the link below in the
description of this video and I will
give you some more details on that
alright let's go ahead and jump in here
and get started so the website we're
going to be looking at here is jvzoo now
you can get there by going to JB's ooh
now this is a huge marketplace online
full of digital products that you guys
can promote so if somebody purchases one
of these one of these products going
through your affiliate link you guys are
going to receive the commission
instantly instantly deposited into your
PayPal account so unlike other
marketplace platforms where you know you
might have to wait like a week or a
couple weeks jvzoo will pay you out
instantly to your PayPal so that's what
we're going to talk about now you guys
can get a free account just go to jvzoo
sign up with a free account and that
will give you access to your dashboard
here you guys can pick out one of the
many products in several different
categories here now they're really big
on internet marketing business products
but they do have products in categories
such as cooking and food health and
wellness and fitness they have some
gambling products they also have some
home and family products parenting
children some different software
products here and also some sports
products spirituality beliefs you know
holistic all type products healing
products so lots of different digital
products in several different categories
and the great thing about
digital products is that you know the
customer gets access to them right away
so they don't have to have something
shipped to their house or anything like
that but so what I like to do first is
come over here right underneath products
and click on top sellers and this is
really going to tell me you know what's
selling right now like what's really hot
what what's hot today what was hot
yesterday and what's been selling really
really well the last seven days and even
the last 30 days so we're gonna want to
do is you're gonna want to find a
product under the category that you guys
want to promote or you can just go to
the top sellers list here and then so
right over here on the right side you're
gonna find a little link called
affiliate details so look at a product
you know whatever sounds good to you
let's just use this post blaster here
I'll go ahead and click on affiliate
now in this page here you guys are going
to see the price of the product on the
front end and the commission that you
are going to receive on that product so
for this it says twelve dollars and
fifteen cents and underneath here it
says a hundred percent so you guys are
going to receive this full amount right
here now you have the option to view the
sales page so let's go ahead and do that
I'll click on see the sales page right
here that'll open up a new tab and then
I can kind of go over the sales page
here and just get kind of a feel on what
the product is all about learn more
about it before I start promoting it of
course and check out you know the
guarantee in everything you know really
just kind of dive in and look at all the
details and maybe possibly look for some
testimonials and that sort of thing so
but let's go back over here so you guys
are going to need in most cases you will
need to request permission to promote
the product so there's a little box down
here you may need to agree to something
that the seller has placed in here in
order to agree with that just click on a
little checkmark here but also includes
also include some information about that
you guys would like to promote the
product how you are going to promote it
and you would like to request to receive
instant PayPal Commission's for the
product okay in most cases they will
approve you with no problem but but yeah
so and if you guys would also like to
see other products from the same seller
or from the same vendor you would just
click on this view profile link right
here now after you are approved for the
product then at that point you guys will
receive your affiliate links and you can
start promoting the product and I'll
give you some more tips on how you guys
can promote these products as well
because I know a lot of you guys are
concerned about traffic and stuff like
that so I want to go back over here and
let's just pick out another product here
so how about this insta engage 2.0 let's
go ahead and see what that's all about
okay so this one is a sell price of $19
you can see it's a little bit different
so he's gonna pay you out 50% of this
price right here which just which is
just a little over $9 so and you guys
can he's got some less restrictions here
really guys don't have to agree to
anything all you're gonna need to do is
just click in the box here and just say
that you would love to promote the
product and I would like to be approved
to receive PayPal instant Commission's
and then just click on this button right
here where it says and request affiliate
approval and then usually you guys are
going to get approved fairly quickly
okay so it's not always going to be a
hundred percent you guys may only
receive you know 50 60 or 70 percent of
the front end product so just to be sure
to check that out so you guys know what
you are going to be receiving for a
commission before you start promoting
the product and you know I've I've
promoted these products before let me
give you some ideas on different ways on
how you guys can do this now if you
obviously if you have a blog or
something like that
you guys can write reviews on these
products and start promoting them that
way if you have a mailing list you guys
can start promoting these products just
sharing about you know here's something
that's really hot that just came out on
the market you guys might want to check
it out it's got amazing reviews and
they're getting great results and start
promoting the product that way one of
the reason one of the ways that I
promote the product is through videos so
here's a product that I wrote or I made
a video on this product right here
called instabuilder and all I did was
just recorded a simple video that just
kind of walks through the sales page and
also this is a product I actually
purchased myself so I went in and I
showed I showed the viewer how to use
some of the features on the product but
that's okay if you guys do not own the
product yet you can still make a full
review all you have to do is just go
over and find the sales page for the
product first and then you guys can just
walk through scroll down and talk about
the product a little bit look and see if
they have a you know 100% money-back
guarantee and kind of like how you feel
about the product and if you think it's
a good idea or not to you know to get
this product you can make a full video
on this and you guys don't need to
purchase any screen capturing software
or anything like that there's actually a
free Chrome extension that you guys can
use and I will post a link to it below
in the description of this video this
will allow you to create
screen-capture with your microphone you
don't have to post a picture of your
face talking or anything like that it's
pretty straightforward all you do is you
just save the video right from your
browser and you guys can upload it to
YouTube another thing that you guys can
do is you can kind of take advantage of
other videos that are already created
for you on YouTube and this is using the
Creative Commons videos that are under
the Creative Commons license and so what
you would do here in this case let's say
if you were promoting a like a natural
healing product or something like that
from from jvzoo and so you would want to
appeal to that market you know maybe
somebody that an audience that's looking
for home remedies and things like that
well what you can do is go to google and
you can type in let's say something like
you know apple cider vinegar remedies or
baking soda solutions or remedies or
home remedies and find different videos
but but also sort these videos under the
Creative Commons option filter and so I
have a complete video that shows you how
to do this check out the link I'll post
a link right up here a little pop out
card will come out and if you click on
that that'll walk you through on how to
look for these videos so you guys can
you know legally download and use these
videos on YouTube because if you don't
have or if you use a video and repost it
on your own channel and it's not under
the Creative Commons license you guys
could take a risk on you know getting a
YouTube strike or something like that on
your account and I wouldn't want to see
you guys get one of those so well yeah I
just be careful when you guys are using
other people's videos but this video
right here walks you through the whole
thing so be sure to check out that link
so those are some different ways and
especially if you do have a mailing list
obviously it's a no brainer you can
drive traffic and and publish or
broadcast a in email to your newsletter
but so yeah and I have other ways of
making money online just by going to my
youtube channel several different videos
here if you just click on the video tab
on my youtube channel I have so many
different videos here that show you a
bunch of different ways every
from you know a dollar an hour to $100 a
day to you know whatever and if you guys
subscribe you just click on the
subscribe button and I will send you a
notification whenever I come out with a
new video so you guys don't miss
anything and if you would like to know
my most recommended opportunity right
now which is what I'm doing to earn a
full-time passive income online check
out the link below in a description of
this blog and I will send you guys more
details on that but that's it for today
you guys make it an awesome day and
we'll see you on the next blog